Do HVAC UV Lights Really Make a Difference?

Ultraviolet (UV) lights have been found to be highly effective in reducing microbial growth within air conditioning systems. Learn more about the benefits & disadvantages of HVAC UV lights.

Do HVAC UV Lights Really Make a Difference?

Ultraviolet (UV) lights have been found to be highly effective in reducing microbial growth within air conditioning systems. In fact, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Niels Ryberg Finsen in 1903 for his work on the use of ultraviolet light radiation to cure skin infections.


lighting can improve indoor air quality and airflow by eliminating particles such as mold and bacteria, allowing machines to run more efficiently and produce better, cleaner air. Mold and bacteria are pesky intruders that can ruin indoor air quality.

Airborne germs pass through the air conditioning system filter and circulate through homes or businesses. The inner coil of an air conditioning system is part of what cools a home, but it can also be a breeding ground for microscopic problems that affect air quality and system efficiency. Numerous health studies have shown that HVAC UV lights help eliminate bacteria and allergens as they pass through the system. It may seem too good to be true that eliminating germs from a home can be done by shining a light in the air ducts, but HVAC UV lights can really make a difference.

Installing an HVAC UV lamp benefits everyone in a household, especially those with allergies and respiratory problems. UV bulbs work less effectively when they're covered in dust, so they should be cleaned regularly - about once every two months - to ensure this doesn't happen. In addition, among the lesser-known advantages of UV light for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems is that they help keep coils and drain pans clean, reducing both wear and maintenance requirements. Some air conditioning companies claim that UV light from an air conditioning system can eliminate viruses.

Before looking for a UV light system for HVAC, it's important to choose which of the two available types is right for needs. UV filtration in an air conditioning system is the air purification technology that is based on everything, how it can protect people and reduce allergies, and help prevent them from getting sick. Since UV lamps only serve to keep the drain pan and coils free of mold and bacteria, it's important to compare the price of each of them to see which offers the best value for money. If someone just feels like they're sneezing but don't have any other symptoms, dust or dandruff could be the real cause of their problem - sadly, UV lights can't fix those problems.

The reality is that UV filtration for HVAC is a new technology that irresponsible or uninformed HVAC companies offer their customers - it just doesn't really work very well. Researchers know that viruses travel in the form of water particles suspended in the air, so only UV lights installed in ducts that treat airflow could be useful. In addition to making breathing easier, UV lights help HVAC units operate more efficiently and are less easily damaged. Manufacturers of UV lighting systems claim that UV light destroys harmful microorganisms, including mold, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

HVAC UV lights are worth it if someone or their family suffer from allergies or illnesses caused by germs or particles that no other tool can remedy. If factors like these are causing allergies, there are other air conditioning system upgrades people can do to feel better, such as installing an air purifier.

Bryan Berschauer
Bryan Berschauer

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Proud music aficionado. Lifelong food ninja. Typical beer advocate. Hardcore food maven. Hipster-friendly beer nerd.