How Much Does an HVAC UV Light Installation Cost? - An Expert's Guide

When considering an HVAC UV light installation, it's important to factor in both labor costs and materials costs. Learn more about HVAC UV light installation cost from an expert's perspective.

How Much Does an HVAC UV Light Installation Cost? - An Expert's Guide

The metal used in most ducts in air conditioning systems is resistant to damage caused by UV rays and does not wear out or become brittle over time, like plastic or other composite materials. We recommend that you add a reminder to replace the UV lamp to the list of maintenance tasks for your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, so you don't forget it. Ultraviolet (UV) lights for air conditioning systems work by eliminating bacteria, microorganisms, and mold to keep indoor air clean and safe. In the long term, installing UV lighting in your air conditioning system can save you money, since UV systems allow HVAC units to operate up to 35% more efficiently. Researchers know that the virus travels in the form of water particles suspended in the air, so only UV lights installed in the ducts that treat airflow could be useful.

A more complicated system with lights mounted in all ducts will be more effective in keeping the system clean, but it is more difficult and expensive to install. This means that when the boiler or central air conditioning system blows air through the house, the UV light will turn on when no air is circulating and the light will turn off to save energy. In general, the UV lamps that your HVAC company is trying to sell you are probably a waste of money, and it would be much better if you repaired your system manually once a year. Your air conditioning company could void the warranty or refuse to repair your system if you work on it yourself. Even if your air conditioning system has a high-quality air filter, adding a UV light will help eliminate microorganisms and bacteria that may be small enough to pass through the filter.

Most HVAC UV lamps are designed to be able to draw power from the fan, so that they only work when the air controller is turned on. You can install the lights just above the coil, so that UV lights continuously illuminate it to prevent mold from forming. Once installed, UV lights require very little maintenance and only need attention when they need to be cleaned or replaced. The most common type of HVAC light is an entrance light that is placed near the central air system fan. When considering an HVAC UV light installation, it's important to factor in both labor costs and materials costs. The cost of labor will depend on how complex your HVAC system is and how many lights need to be installed.

The cost of materials will depend on what type of lights you choose and how many you need. Generally speaking, a basic installation of one or two lights can cost anywhere from $200-$500. It's important to note that while installing an HVAC UV light can help improve indoor air quality and reduce energy costs over time, it's not a substitute for regular maintenance. You should still have your HVAC system serviced regularly by a professional technician.

Bryan Berschauer
Bryan Berschauer

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Proud music aficionado. Lifelong food ninja. Typical beer advocate. Hardcore food maven. Hipster-friendly beer nerd.