The Benefits of Installing an HVAC UV Light System

Installing an HVAC Ultraviolet (UV) lamp offers a variety of benefits such as improving indoor air quality, saving energy and reducing maintenance costs.

The Benefits of Installing an HVAC UV Light System

Installing an HVAC UV lamp offers a plethora of advantages, such as enhancing indoor air quality, conserving energy, and reducing maintenance costs. By eliminating mold and mildew, destroying viruses and bacteria, and diminishing odors, UV lights can help to improve the air quality in your home. In addition, they can increase the efficiency of your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The installation process for an HVAC UV light system is relatively straightforward.

It is best to install the UV light above, in the center, and downstream of the coil in an A-shaped coil. If this is not possible, then installing the UV light under the coil or on each side of the coil will work just fine. Most UV lighting products for HVAC also come with a convenient paper template that can make the assembly process much easier. When considering installing an HVAC UV lamp, customers should research what type of warranty the manufacturer or installer offers.

The closer the UV lamp is installed to the drip tray, the better, since that is where there will be more moisture. Finally, the right choice of light bulbs and their service needs should be considered when installing an HVAC UV lamp. Most UV lights come with an extension cable (5 to 7 feet long) that can be used to power the device. In addition to reducing costly repairs, HVAC UV lights can extend the life of your unit, allowing you to use it for more years before needing a replacement.

These benefits make it essential to hire qualified contractors for any project involving HVAC UV lighting systems. If your current air conditioning system requires specialized equipment or advanced knowledge to properly install an additional UV lamp, it would be best to hire someone who has experience in this field. Studies conducted on HVAC UV lighting installations show that there is still much room for improvement when it comes to understanding how these systems work and what type of maintenance should be performed on a regular basis. If you are concerned about mold growth in your air conditioning system, consider investing in a UV light purification system. The advancement of HVAC UV light installations presents a viable solution for improving energy efficiency and, at the same time, creating healthier living spaces in all types of buildings around the world. For more information on removing contaminants from UV light, contact Atomatic Mechanical Services for more information.

Bryan Berschauer
Bryan Berschauer

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Proud music aficionado. Lifelong food ninja. Typical beer advocate. Hardcore food maven. Hipster-friendly beer nerd.