The Advantages of Installing HVAC UV Lights

Ultraviolet (UV) lights are a great addition to any air conditioning system. Installing them inside your boiler, air conditioner, heat pump or ducts can kill bacteria, mold, allergens and other germs before they enter your home. Learn about the four benefits of ins

The Advantages of Installing HVAC UV Lights

Ultraviolet (UV) lights are a great addition to any air conditioning system, as they can help combat allergies and improve air quality. Installing them inside your boiler, air conditioner, heat pump, or ducts can kill bacteria, mold, allergens, and other germs before they enter your home. Good air flow is essential for a productive and efficient air conditioning system, and UV lights can benefit airflow by keeping it cleaner. This will help you avoid buildup on filters, fans, and more.

The main types of HVAC UV lights are low-pressure mercury vapor lamps, medium-pressure mercury vapor lamps, and high-pressure mercury vapor lamps. Most HVAC UV lamps are designed to be able to draw power from the fan, so that they only work when the air controller is turned on. HVAC UV lights are relatively affordable compared to air filtration systems such as purifiers and air filters.

Four Benefits of Installing HVAC UV Lights

There are four ways your entire system can benefit if you choose to use ultraviolet lights as part of your installation:
  • Enhanced Air Quality: Higher frequency UV light has enough energy to destroy the DNA of bacteria and other microorganisms, killing them and disinfecting the air.
  • Decreased Ozone Emissions: In some cases, air conditioning systems that are not properly maintained can also emit dangerous levels of ozone.
  • Prevention of Respiratory Diseases: With UV lighting integrated into the air conditioning system, you may be able to prevent the spread of germs throughout the family during the cold season.
  • Elimination of Odors: UV lights also destroy volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which cause unpleasant odors reminiscent of tobacco smoke.
Exposure to UV light can cause several problems, such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and pinguecula. However, UV lights can help your system work at its best, which means the entire system will be more efficient in the end.


Installing a UV light system in your HVAC system is a great way to improve air quality and reduce ozone emissions.

It can also help prevent respiratory diseases and eliminate odors. Although there are some risks associated with exposure to UV light, these risks can be minimized by installing a system designed to disinfect the air in the return air duct of your air controller. Ultimately, installing a UV light system in your HVAC system is an affordable way to improve your home's air quality.

Bryan Berschauer
Bryan Berschauer

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Proud music aficionado. Lifelong food ninja. Typical beer advocate. Hardcore food maven. Hipster-friendly beer nerd.